So I'd like to make this costume for Dragoncon 2006, and even though I'm working on other costumes right now, there's parts of it that allow me to work upstairs, where I've been spending time this week to care for my sicky dog.
To that end, I've gotten two things started:
Boots - Found them at CabootsJewelry - I started the top pin in clay (Premo! by Sculpey, fyi, in Gold #5303), and my plan is to paint and varnish it, and attach a back with epoxy. So far it's coming along splendedly. I'm nearly done with the scuplture part of the top brooch, and here's how I did it:
I found an image of the brooch (
padawan's guide has excellent photos), made sure it was the size I wanted to make the brooch (from my estimations from the photos, the top brooch is approximately 2 inches across and an inch tall. I used this as a template to cut out the outline - a rough one, for certain.
I spent some time smoothing the edges, and fixing up the shape. Having a lot of tools for scuplting helped a good deal. After I got the base the right shape, I used a "Makins Clay" mold (Floral, #39005) that had not only flowers (sort of, if you used one part of a larger recess) but the inside of a rose that I could use as a base for the center shell. I modeled each piece separately and used the tools to press and secure them to the base, as well as smooth out the seam lines.
I'll be baking it tomorrow night hopefully, and I'll post before and after pictures then.
I've got an extra Makin's mold as well, feel free to email me if you want to get it from me for a (very) small fee :)