Friday, August 04, 2006

Second Brooch Done, and Hair purchased

So feeling industrious the last few days, while I was taking a break from the forever sewing of the Jocasta Nu costume, I started work on the second, larger jewelry peice from this costume. Now, I know it'll never be 'perfect' (well, I suppose it could be more perfect, but may I may remake it later) but for this D*C it's just fine, IMHO:

and without the overpowering flash:

I baked it last night, and it's sturdy - I had been afraid it'd be too flimsy to actually use, but the sculpy surprises me again. Tonight I'll put some paint on it, and call that one done as well.

I bought the hair the other day, and finally got it out of the bags last night to figure out a plan for the hairpiece. I think I've got one, and I'll take pictures and talk more about that later, I think.


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